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Non-commercial commissions & licensing


These terms are for non-commercial applications only. For business users, please see this page.

If this commission or license is intended for a project with commercial sponsorship, please see this page.

All amounts given are in United States dollars.

Using existing work.

1-time licensing fee: $35.00

In the Buy Now window on, change the value of the record to $35.00. That's all.

Pay Once, Use Forever: The Way it Should Be
All licenses are royalty-free and perpetual (as long as you abide by the restrictions listed on this page). The licensing fee needs only be paid once in order for the album to be used forever.

Commissioning new work.

Base commission fee: $75.00 per song

First, email me at Email address, and tell me about your project. We'll talk back and forth a bit about what kind of music and how much you need for your project. Please note, I will not write more than 4 unique songs for a non-commercial commission; if you need more than this, please see this page for my commercial hiring details. Once consultation is complete, I'll tell you how long it's likely to take and whether I'm working on another project at the moment or not. If you wish to continue with the commission at this point, use Ko-Fi to send me the money. I will not begin work until I have been paid. I also won't begin work until all of my projects for other clients are finished. Once I'm finished with the work, I'll send you a link to the finished product on Proton Drive. Please note, I can only keep links active for 30 days, so please be prompt.

I'll provide you with a list of my studio instruments upon request, but unlike a commercial commission, please don't request any new instruments. Thank you.

Refund policy.

If you decide that I won't be able to write a song that's up to your standards, you can request a refund using the same email address you used to set up the commission in the first place. I'll stop work at once and return your money through Ko-Fi. However, if I've already sent you the link to the finished product, I won't accept a refund request on finished work.