Stuff I'm working on (September 2023)

I don't like "under construction" signs on my website, because of reasons. But, I'll update you on some of the stuff I'm working on right now because I'm out of complaints to make about modern technology and, well, I'm bored!

15 Essential Games. Since we're all resolute in our decision not to provide corporate game console developers with any more money and emulate games on our computers, I decided to make a list of 15 essential games for as many consoles as I could think of. I already have the Atari VCS, NES, Mega Drive, and N64 pages finished; I'm working on the Super NES and Sony PlayStation pages offsite.

The Sims 3 Starter Kit. I decided that, since I've already covered The Sims 4, I'd do a starter kit for The Sims 3 next. I'm not likely to do one for The Sims 2 or Classic because of their age. Like I said on that one blog post, those two games can't run on Windows 10 or 11 anyway, so there'd be very little point. Plus, there's not a lot of content available for The Sims Classic anymore—it's a 23-year-old game, after all. People who were born on launch day are starting medical school this month. Hell, some of those people were born to Sims players in the first place.

More lots for The Sims 4. I said I'd put new lots onto MTS once five other people had done it. Well, we're up to 3 now, so I'd better get out the old graphing notebook and start planning stuff!

Writing more music. That's my day job, of course. Once I've got some more music written, I can start thinking about another Bandcamp release. I haven't been keeping to themes lately; Okay Millennial had sort of a tenuous theme, insofar as it was supposed to be sixty years' worth of popular music examples. All the instruments were different, all the keys were different, it didn't really have a cohesive underlayment and ended up sounding like it was just crammed together.

I'm basically living off the $2,000 I've made in commercial licensing fees lately, so, as you might imagine, some ordinary Bandcamp sales would be nice. My stuff tends to cost between $5 and $15 US. Anyway, that's all for now.

--5 September 2023--