Kent State, sea chanteys, and the Fairlight CMI

Now Playing. "Soon May the Wellerman Come (extended pandemic version)" by T1na Badgraph1csghost

You know something? When people started singing sea chanteys on TikTok, the corporate feudal state should have realised something was wrong. Historically, sailors only sang if they felt they were being mistreated or ignored by the officers; so, when the COVID-19 lockdown ended and people all over the US and UK started singing like sailors, that should have been about the biggest, reddest flag we could have flown. And it was all ignored for the sake of profits. Now, almost 4 years later, after being ignored and beaten down, and watching all of our tax money being spent on aid and comfort to the apartheid state of Israel, who promptly spend the money on weapons to carry out a genocide, the mutiny has begun.

This is the 54th anniversary of the massacre at Kent State University, where corporate feudal agents loyal to Governor Jim Rhodes and President Richard Nixon fired live rounds into a crowd of sit-in protestors on the Kent State campus, killing 4 and wounding 9. It is noteworthy to mention that none of the dead—Jeffrey Miller, Allison Krause, Sandra Scheuer, and William Schroeder—were actually participants in the protest itself. It's hard to think about that and not think about what's going on right now at university campuses all over the US. Rather than live rounds fired from WWII-era rifles by the National Guard, what we have instead are iron-core rubber bullets being shot at grapeshot speeds from M-16s by policemen in SWAT gear. Some jaded commentators look at the Nixon administration and say "oh, nothing has changed"; no, it's gotten worse. Nixon-style corruption is now commonplace in the American political machine, and the only other direction to go from there is Hitler-brand fascism. Our current regime is so fanatically dedicated to bringing the American evangelical work ethic to the rest of the world that it's knocking on the door to authoritarianism and standing there awaiting a response. Everything that the American propaganda filter says goes on in North Korea is currently happening in America. Political dissidents are being jailed, "terrorist" has been redefined to mean "political opponent", people fitting a certain preconceived description are executed in broad daylight by policemen, laws are being enacted to limit the spread of information, and laws currently on the books are being used to spy on individuals. The only difference between North Korea and the United States is that North Korea is not currently funding the extermination of a society.

It's also "Star Wars Day". Nothing directly related to Star Wars happened on this day in history. The film, itself, was not released until May 25th; the only reason this is "Star Wars Day" is because it sounds like you said "May the Force be with you" with a lisp. No one remembers Kent State; instead, people pile onto Disney+ to rabidly consume as much of the ballooning roster of Star Wars content as they can within a 24-hour span of time. No one remembers the names of Jim Rhodes or Richard Nixon, but they can remember Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Jar-Jar Binks; and Jeffrey, Allison, William, and Sandra are just slightly-dated names. The Walt Disney Corporation and 20th Century Fox before them use the annoyance of thought to their advantage, doing Rhodes' and Nixon's dirty work every single year. And, as for the current generation of student protests? All the average person knows is the kids are rebelling and there's a crime-wave of epic proportions in New York City. The real difference between North Korea and the United States is that we've all been mollified by a few giant corporations playing tricks in our face to accept corruption.

--4 May 2024--