US Affordable Connectivity Plan is now gone

It'll be hard, but I'm going to try and keep the political punditry down to a bare minimum here.

I got an email from my ISP yesterday, gleefully informing me that the United States federal government has permitted the Affordable Connectivity Plan to lapse into nothingness. This was the only way I was able to maintain my internet connection, since I only ever get a few dollars every few months when someone decides to buy one of my albums. Even when I was announcing local commercials, I wasn't making a lot of money there either, so I relied on as much of the welfare system as I could qualify for, knowing how temporary it all was.

Without getting too much into that, I should let you know that, if updates to the website should suddenly stop, it's most likely because I had to shut my broadband service off and am not able to access Neocities from a computer. I've tried writing HTML on a phone before, and it was a torturous experience I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. If this does actually happen, I hope to have enough time to uncomment my On Hiatus banner on the homepage.

If you see this banner show up on the homepage...

Website on hiatus.

...that means I don't foresee being able to make any future updates. Clicking on it, as it says, will direct you to this entry. I'm calling it a "hiatus" instead of "the end", because, for some reason, I still live in hope that my government will come to its senses and stop treating poor people like the enemy, at which time I'll be able to come back and make more updates.

I just hope I can remember my password.

--22 March 2024--