In a congregation of 75, there's only 1, and I'm it

I know I've talked about this before, and I'm sure I'll talk about it again. But, I really do feel like the only non-zionist sometimes. Not only the only Jewish non-zionist, but the only one in general. Like, I can go on Tumblr and see posts from anti-zionist Jews, and, in my logical brain, I know I'm not the only one. But, Tumblr is basically the ether. It's hammerspace. I know that I can just reach behind my back and pull out an essay on why zionism is a moral failing, written by a rabbi. The problem is that the Gaza Holocaust has undermined Jews' mindset of "we take care of our communities". Right? There are so comparatively few Jews in the world, that we have to seek each other out and take care of each other, because we know that the next political strongman with Adolf Hitler aspirations is just waiting in the wings. This new holocaust is undermining our trust in each other, creating a division between zionists and non-zionists. We are no longer taking care of our communities. My whole synagogue is full of unrepentant zionists, so I had to quit going. I have been abandoned by the Jewish community simply because I think Israel should stop killing innocent people.

Moreover, that somehow makes me an antisemite? Starbucks feminists and various other types of gentiles think that they can tell me I'm practising Judaism wrong. It's gotten to the point that I hear a Jew say "we take care of our own" and I know they're zionist. As surely as I hear "Make America great again" and I know whoever said it wished he had been at January 6th. And the thing that's most frustrating about this whole deal is that Palestinians aren't the problem. Hamas isn't a terrorist organisation, it's only been labelled that by world superpowers who feel threatened by the tiniest bit of Arab nationalism. Palestinians aren't the problem. The Israeli occupational forces are the problem. Benjamin Netanyahu is the problem. Joe Biden is the problem. Donald Trump is the problem. People who turn off their brains and eat from the prolefeed trough are the problem.

Out of a congregation of 75 and a general population of 250,000, somehow there's only 1 non-zionist, and I'm it.

--22 February 2024--